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Page 4
“Thanks, Matteo. I gotta go.” Ending the call, I go into the small kitchen and flinch at the worn linoleum and the appliances. Fuck, I need to get her out of here. Opening the refrigerator, I find a can of Coke and pop the lid. I make another call, this time it’s answered on the first ring.
“Mr. Castillo, how can I help you, sir?”
“Rick, I need you to run a background and employment check on a Carrie Whitney.” I open her purse. Finding her wallet, I read off her drivers license number and address from Austin. Her given name is Caroline, the formal name didn’t fit the soft and sweet woman. Carrie is much better. The sight of her social security card has me tensing all over again, keeping her social security card in her wallet is a huge risk, her purse could easily be stolen and her identity with it.
“Will do, I can get it to you by close of day tomorrow.”
“I need it two hours ago.”
Rick knew not to argue, hesitating for only a moment. “I’ll scan and email everything I can get within the next hour.”
“I just want to say thank you for allowing me to continue to serve you and your company. I did the background check on Celeste Handley myself. I saw nothing to indicate the issues that have come up.”
I go still. “What issues?”
“Benito didn’t tell you?”
“No, when and what happened?” Anger flares at Benito’s hiding of a major issue. Celeste Handley is the manager for the building I own and live in.
“Last week it came to light she has been out renting out condos for short stays off the books. Benito has me doing background checks on two people he’s thinking of hiring in her place once he fires her.”
“Drop the checks, from now on if Benito calls you, you hang up and call me to tell me what was discussed. Focus on my check.”
Hanging up, I call my head of security. “Dennis, call in the police. Take them around to my building and have them arrest Celeste Handley for theft. I want her held without bond until I can find out how much she’s gotten away with.”
I consider calling and ripping a strip off Benito. The sight of Carrie’s closed door pushes Benito to the backburner. Stopping her migraine before it got worse is the most important thing right now.
It happens again, an odd twisting sensation to the middle of my chest that happened at the sight of Carrie in pain. Fuck. This is not happening. It was guilt for upsetting her, that’s all I’m feeling. Her life is too complicated, and I don’t do long term. Carrie would need long term, hell, she deserved it.
Carrie is an intoxicating mix of girl and woman who wouldn’t understand sexual needs were to be satisfied as simply physical hunger. Her license indicates she is twenty-six. But her blushes, shivers, and obvious confusion over the desire she felt for me told me she’s trapped in the teenage mind and emotions when she first became responsible for two small children. Even before that watching her mother remain in a toxic, violent relationship had caused a deep distrust of men. With such a painful and disturbing introduction to men, it’s likely she’s a virgin.
I’ve never had a virgin before; I steered clear of them, not wanting the messy emotions that would no doubt come with it. The idea of being the first man to introduce Carrie to pleasure sends fire surging through my whole fucking body. Christ, my cock is so hard it hurts. Shaking my head, it’s possible she wasn’t. However, her bitter words about learning from her mother made it highly unlikely.
Closing my eyes, I work to force the desire down. It can’t happen. It won’t happen. No matter how much I want her. All this is about is fixing what I broke today by being a bastard and making her cry. I won’t consider myself free of what I’d done until she’s back on her feet and whole again.
Carrie is curled into a little ball on the bed. Seeing her in distress has that twisting sensation coming back. Sitting on the edge of her bed, I can’t resist running a hand over her forehead, her soft sigh of pleasure at my touch has me hard all over again. Leashing my desire, I focus on Carrie, needing to remove the pain induced furrows in her beautiful face. “Carrie, do you have any medication for your migraine?”
She doesn’t open her eyes as she shakes her head.
“Okay, sit up, mi dulce. I want you to drink this down as much as you can. Do you have any aspirin?”
A small nod as she whispers, “In my purse.”
Then she moans and pain shoots across her face.
The sight of it sends that fucking painful clenching straight to my chest and my hand tightens around the glass in my hand. Fuck. I set the glass on the small bedside table and carefully, gently, pull Carrie into my lap. She comes willingly into my arms melting into me. Her soft curves feel even better than they had in my office. Only now I’m on the edge of a bed with her in my arms. Get your mind out of the gutter, Castillo.
Picking up the glass, I bring it to her lips and urge her to drink. She wrinkles her nose but does it. A few swallows and she pulls away. I allow her a moment before I put against the glass against her mouth again. I repeat the action again and the until the drink is almost gone. “One more time.”
Even though my whole body is hard and aching for her there is an odd sense of peace at having Carrie in my arms. The world disappears until it’s just her, the scent of her, the feel of her, the sound of to her breathing. She sighs, and whispers my name and fuck me, my arms tighten reflexively around her causing her to stir. I’m reminded the caffeine wasn’t the entire order from Matteo.
“I’m going to go get the aspirin and a glass of water, I’ll be right back.” Putting her back on the bed, the second she’s out of my arms I ache for her all over again.
Rummaging in her purse, I find the bottle and shake out two. I rinse the glass that held the Coke and fill it with water. Back in her room, I see she is sitting up against the headboard looking dazed. At least she doesn’t appear to be in pain.
“Here take these.” I hand them to her.
“Did I fall asleep?”
“Maybe for a few minutes. I sent the boys to their room. I’ll talk to them in a minute. I wanted to check on you first. Feeling any better?”
“Yes, actually. I didn’t know a Coke would help. I would have tried it before. I don’t usually drink soda, it’s for the twins. Thank you.” She murmurs as she swallows the pills. Setting the full glass of water on the bedside table she leans back again.
I hand the glass back to her. “Finish it. Dehydration causes headaches and caffeine can cause dehydration, especially if you aren’t use to it. I don’t want you dealing with another headache later tonight.”
Although she makes a face she doesn’t argue and simply drinks the water until it is gone.
“I am sorry to be such a bother. This really isn’t like me, I promise. I’m not sure what’s the matter with me today.”
“Do not apologize to me. As I am sure I am the cause of your out of character behavior. You have had a hard time for the last few months, then the boys did what they did. Under stress already you try to come to me and defend them but I’m an asshole who tells you that you have done a bad job by them. Basically saying out loud what you have been feeling for a while. Now you are feeling vulnerable and scared of making more mistakes.”
She sighs, and nods.
“I should be apologizing to you and I am, very sincerely, Carrie.” Those blue eyes meet mine and fuck I want to know what they’ll look like when I’m deep inside her. Does she see it? She blushes as she drops her head to study her clasped hand.
“I want you to know things are going to be all right. You do not have to worry because I was wrong and so were you. Now that I have met them; I can see the only thing I would say you are guilty of is spoiling them. It’s something many parents do to overcompensate for not being available. I would say you have done no worse than any other parent has done. I can clearly see their clothes are new and name brand, yet something tells me that you haven’t had anything new or name brand in quite some time.”
A s
mall shrug as if it was a given to put them first confirms my suspicions. Carrie had taken on the role of a mother in every way, putting herself last before their needs.
“They do not seem like bad kids, simply spoiled and unaware of what it takes to give them what they have. By hiding how hard you have to work to keep them in the things they want, not simply what they need, they are unaware of the sacrifices you have made. I can see now pressing charges is not the right decision.”
Tension eases out of her and I’m glad I was able to do it.
“They will work off their debt for the summer. It will give them something to do instead of being bored and show them what earning a living means. I will pick them up tomorrow and take them to the work site. Make sure they wear clothes they won’t have a problem getting dirty and sweating in. Are you working tomorrow?”
Her voice is husky. “No, if they would have needed me, the company would have called. There’s a chance I’ll get called early in the morning if someone calls in last minute but it’s not likely.”
“I’ll be here to pick them up at seven tomorrow.”
“Seven? That’s early for them, I like that.” Her smile sends heat to my chest.
“A smile, I like that. I’m going to go talk to them now. You rest, have an early night. Remember, they’re going to be unhappy however it’s better than the alternative.”
I cannot stop from touching her, one last time. Caressing her cheek, I tuck the hair that had slipped loose behind her ear. She exhales a shaky breath at my touch. My cock jerks in answer. Before I do something she’s not ready for, I get the hell away from her as quickly as I can.
My cell phone rings as I close the door to her bedroom. Seeing it’s Benito I send the call to voicemail. I call for a car to pick me up.
Opening the door to the bedroom I had seen them disappear into, I find the boys huddled on the edge of the bed whispering to each other. The moment I step inside they fall silent looking up at me with fear. At least they are smart enough to be afraid.
“I have spoken with your sister. She’s changed her mind about me pressing charges. While I am still not sure if it’s the best course of action, I am willing to consider another. You will come to work for me at the worksite you destroyed for the summer. Monday through Friday from seven in the morning until four, with one half hour lunch break and two fifteen breaks, the same as the other workers on the site but you will not be paid for it. Your pay will go toward the damages, even though it would take you a lifetime to pay it back at your current delinquent path. As long as you work every day of the work week, until a week before school starts, I will consider the debt wiped clean.”
They weren’t identical twins, yet they have the same mannerisms in their body language, even the same expressions on their faces.
Riley shakes his head. “Mister that’s crazy, aren’t there child labor laws or something? Can’t we do something else?”
The other one hits him, “He just means, we don’t know anything about construction and the worksite seemed kind of dangerous. We didn’t mean to wreck the CAT we were trying to drive it and didn’t see the big hole before we went into it.”
“A construction site can be dangerous. However, no one will be trusting you with anything that you could not handle. You two did not seem concerned about danger when you broke in and spent a good amount of time trashing it. There is of course something else you two can do, I’ll press charges and you can go into juvenile detention.”
They flinch as they look at each other.
“I find it interesting you choose to hide behind child labor laws when you broke the law and are having to deal with the consequences. I have the right to see to it you both are held responsible by having you serve a sentence for breaking and entering and vandalism. The decision is yours to make, I will not force you. Something to know as you consider your answer, if you say no your sister won’t be backing you on it. What is it going to be?”
They look at each without saying a word, they seem to come to an agreement. Their eyes are back on me as they nod in tandem.
“Good, be ready at seven. I’ll pick you up the first day and take you to the site and explain what will be happing with the foreman. From then on it will be up to you two get to work on time.”
Leaving the room, I can hear them fighting in hushed tones and smile. They didn’t like it but they had folded more easily than I thought they would. Walking outside I pace as I wait for the car. Even though it’s a hot day, I hadn’t trusted myself to wait inside. I wonder how easily Carrie will fold to my plans for her. Will she fight me? And why the hell am I looking forward to her doing just that?
The morning goes as badly as I feared. Poor Nelly was surprised to wake up in Elliott’s room without any memory of falling asleep. She laughed it off, obviously embarrassed. I was too ashamed to correct her. After she left, I got angrier at myself and the twins. Not admitting to what the twins had done was bullshit and was me protecting them from their actions.
I forced them to go explain to Nelly what they did and apologize. Standing behind them, shame burned bright inside at Nelly’s shock. Nelly was a kind soul, she said she accepted their apology. Except it was clear it would be the last time Nelly would ever agree to watch them. Her disappointment was palpable as she closed the door on the twins. The twins were stunned. Nelly had been a kindly grandmother figure for the last three months and to have the door closed on them had them quiet.
“You two drugged her, I don’t care if it was over the counter medicine. You violated her trust. I’m pretty sure you’ll never get it back. That’s the result of your actions. Yes, you can do what you want but there are consequences. Now go take your showers and brush your teeth, Rafael will be here soon. I’ll pack a lunch for you today. Tomorrow you’ll pack your own lunches.”
I’m in the kitchen cleaning up when the knock comes. My heart starts pounding fast at the idea of seeing Rafael again. Even if it’s delusional to even hope for anything. The man is so far out of my league the idea is laughable at him being truly interested in me. He had been kind yesterday out of guilt and pity.
Opening the door Rafael is only inches away on the doorstep. Even though I’m a step taller I barely met his eyes. Oh god, all the air leaves my lungs at finding him so close. How the hell is he so gorgeous? Today his suit is charcoal gray, and his chest seems even wider and stronger than it did yesterday. “Hi, they should be ready. Do you want to come in?”
“I don’t have time, I’m running behind schedule because of traffic.” His response is clipped, he eyes the inside of the duplex, behind me.
“Oh, okay,” Turning I yell for twins. They come running. “Your lunches are on the counter. You both have two bottles of Gatorade, drink them. It will be hot and you’ll be sweating a lot out there. Do what you’re told, if you fuck up again, I’m done.”
They nod, following Rafael to the black Mercedes sedan parked in front of the duplex. Before I make a bigger fool of myself, I close the door.
With the place empty and needing to burn some of the chaotic energy churning through me I turn on some music and set to cleaning the kitchen.
An hour later I’m in the living room, running the vacuum when there is a knock at the door. Checking the peephole my stomach flips a dozen times at the sight of Rafael waiting. Without hesitation I open the door.
“Is everything okay?”
“Yes, everything is fine. The twins are in good hands and probably cursing the both of us as we speak. Now I want to talk about you. Have a seat.”
Confusion is swirling, what about me? I sink into the couch wondering what he is about to say.
“Yesterday I found out the manager I have in place for my building has been taking advantage of her position. The building is a condo building, all have owners. However, many are leased out, some of the owners are hands on but most prefer leaving it to us to lease and handle landlord duties. I need someone to take over for her immediately
. While handling the leasing is one aspect there are many other duties. It is not unlike the running of an apartment complex. With your experience, I would like that person to be you.”
Shock doesn’t cover it. What? Me? I try to focus because he’s still talking.
“I will not hide the fact I had you investigated, and a thorough check done. It is standard for a position such as this, to make sure you could handle the responsibility and you came through as a top candidate. I feel the need to share something that came to light. I admit I was bothered by the fact it had taken you so long to find employment.”
I understand his concern, it’s been mine too. I’m sure it was a part of the reason I haven’t had more interest. It didn’t make any sense with all the experience I had.
“If you were as good as several years in your position and you believed yourself to be then you should have found something by now. Your former manager has not been giving you a good recommendation. My investigator was surprised by how badly she spoke about you. He dug deeper and spoke with one of the leasing agents you worked with and a maintenance man. Both of them gave you a glowing reference explaining the manager spoke badly of you because she feared others would find out how much you did and how little she did.”
“That bitch.” I exhale in shock. “Wait, are you offering me a job?”
“Yes, I want to make it clear there will be a trial period of ninety days. The building is upscale and the owners demanding. You might not want to stay after the trial period. I will understand if you do not. The pay will be ninety thousand a year, there will also be a year-end bonus based on performance. You will be on call and required to live on-site. There is a three-bedroom condo on the first floor for your use included as part of your compensation. Something to consider, it is downtown. You’ll have to get the boys to the worksite in the morning and be back into the city pretty early over the summer. Also the schools in the downtown area are not much better than the ones in this area.”