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Rafael Page 5
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Page 5
At the salary he quoted I want to scream for joy, yet something holds me back. This was a dream job, free rent and a huge salary. It’s too good to be true. I’m sure there will be times I wished I didn’t live on site. But still, after so long of searching for something half this good I can’t believe it’s simply being handed to me. “Why me? Why are you offering the job to me?”
An eyebrow lifts at my demand. “Because I need someone now and you need a job now. Do not over think this,” I stiffen at the order. “if your reports had come back telling me you weren’t good enough I wouldn’t be here. It’s why I didn’t mention it yesterday. I wanted to know for sure you could handle it. The property you managed was bigger in units but these owners will be more demanding. This will be a stressful and demanding position, hence the high salary.”
After a night of putting myself back together I was feeling stronger, until I saw Rafael this morning. It ticks me off, makes me resent him for tying me up in knots. I don’t want his pity but it pisses me off that I need it. If it were just me there’s no question of saying no. Except it’s not just me, I have the twins to consider. “Answer me this, if I hadn’t cried and lost my shit in front of you, would you have offered me the job?”
His chuckle is deep and husky. It slides down my tummy to the apex of my thighs. “Crying in front of most prospective employers would take you out of the running for a job.” He sobers and his eyes harden. “The answer is no.”
I don’t believe him.
I watch in fascination as his jaw works. “I don’t do pity. Ask anyone. I’m too much of an asshole. You are being offered this job and you will take it because you are the best person for the position. I need someone who has experience running a property, which you have. I need someone trustworthy and loyal, which you are. You spoke of the kind of experience and willingness to go above and beyond the basic requirements of your position, qualities I want in an employee. This isn’t out of pity, this is business.”
Despite bristling at his order of me taking the job, relief fills me at his sincerity. “Okay. I accept.”
“Good, get dressed. I’ll take you into the office. The paperwork and basic training will take all morning. After that I’ll take you to the building and you start today. Tonight, you and the twins pack. Tomorrow, I’ll have movers come and collect your things to move you in. The cost of it will be considered a part of your compensation that I am willing to pay to put you in place as soon as possible.” His cell phone rings, nodding at me, “Make it quick.”
Then he answers and I’m forgotten. Head spinning, I take off at speed to my bedroom. Holy crap, this is real. This isn’t a dream.
Going into my closet I sigh, definitely not a dream. The selection of clothes was already small before I began to run out of money. At the property I worked at we wore uniforms, black pants and a polo shirt with the name of the property on it. I’ve never been into shopping because of the whole fat thing, it could be so humiliating at times. Away from work I’m into maxi skirts, and black leggings with loose cotton tops. Even though they were good quality clothing they are all too loose now.
Everything I have that fits is from thrifts stores and none of it is something I would willingly wear if Rafael weren’t standing outside my bedroom door. I have one single suit, purchased for interviews last year before I lost the weight. Fuck it, the suit is better than nothing.
Normally, I would go with a button-down blouse beneath the jacket but none of the ones I have look good with it because of how big they are. I decide to go with a silky, stretchy white camisole. The pants are loose, thank god it came with a belt. It takes a minute to create a hole as even the belt is too big. I tell myself it’s fashionably baggy and almost believe it until I put on the jacket. I can’t stifle a groan. I look like a kid playing dress up.
At least I have several pairs of good shoes. With being on my feet all day I learned quickly from my manager to spend the money on nice shoes that didn’t kill your feet and would last for years. I’m not into heels, I only do two-inch stacked heels, if I do anything other than flats.
Hanging up the jacket so I don’t get it messy. I go into the bathroom to get ready. I wash my face again, apply a light moisturizer then I cheat with a powder foundation because everything was too hard to figure out. The mascara I use is clear so no one can tell how it smudges when I constantly wipe my eyes. There are only four lipsticks to choose from, I go with a soft pink. Sighing, I wish I was more comfortable with all this stuff because I have no doubt the women who Rafael dated were pros with makeup. In Austin, I hadn’t worn makeup in years. However, Dallas held a high standard on one’s appearance. If the building is high-class the makeup needed to be minimal but it needed to be there.
At least when it came to my hair, I’m a pro at styling it. I’ve always had long hair since my mom told me often it was my best feature. It’s thick and long and so light blonde it’s almost white. Women often complimented me on my hair and my stylist in Austin told me all the time women paid a fortune to have hair the color I do naturally. A spray to protect my hair from the heat of the flat iron and almost ten minutes later the slight waves disappear.
Indecision comes over me when it comes to my perfume. I like changing my perfume to match my mood or the day. I have over a dozen different bottles. Joy by Jean Patone is one of my favorites and fitting for my mood for sure. It’s because of the job, not Rafael.
Who the fuck am I kidding? Mouthing the word liar, I bring it to my pulse points at my wrists, at the hollow of my throat, and behind each ear. Checking my purse, I make sure I have everything to fill out paperwork for today. I slide on the jacket and cringe again at how big it is. I’ll get new clothes tomorrow. I have a credit card that has enough money on it to get a few basic pieces.
I can’t believe how one day can change everything. To go from the lowest low to the highest high. I’ll be making the most I’ve ever made, and I’ll be working for Rafael. My stomach flips a dozen times.
Stop it, stop thinking of him like that. Don’t mess this up. He’s putting me in a nice building to manage and he’ll probably forget about me. I’ll be lucky if he remembers me in another month. Because I’m not going to fuck this up. Maybe I’ll see him a few times a year after I’m settled in. This was about a job, nothing else. Don’t borrow trouble, and as badly as I might want Rafael Castillo there is no doubt down that road is nothing but trouble.
I pace as I wait, not able to settle. Even though relief is high inside me at the way Carrie challenged me—I’m on edge at how badly I want her all over again. I was hoping yesterday was an aberration, something caused by guilt, that it would fade as quickly as it appeared. Only to have her open the door and take a blow to the chest at seeing her again. I had told myself there was no way she was as beautiful as I made her out to be. I was wrong, she is even more so. I’d had to jam my hands into my pockets to keep from reaching out and grabbing her.
I hadn’t warned her that I would be back for her even when her eyes darkened with hurt when I declined her invitation to come in. It was enough for me to know I would be back. On the drive from the construction site, tension grew within me until I was in front of her again.
When she’d asked me if I would have given her the job if she hadn’t cried, I couldn’t believe it. I expected her to take the job without a murmur of anything but thanks. Not Carrie, she had questioned me and my motives. No one questioned me. The question hadn’t annoyed me, oddly. Instead a chuckle escaped me which surprised me. I’m not easily amused, only my family had the ability, usually. I was also happy to have her fire make an appearance again.
My cell phone rings again, damn it. “Benito, we are done discussing this shit.”
“Rafe, there was no discussion. As usual, you just fucking came in and took over. I was handling it.”
“A week Benny, a fucking week you knew and left her in place to continue. I don’t give a shit you were trying to have her reports rerun and audited. Fire her ass, then dig deeper before she has a chance to bury it. The evidence of her crime was so blatant it’s a fucking embarrassment. That’s why all the buildings we own are now undergoing audits.”
No, fuck this. “You were trying to cover up your fuck up, the same way you tried to cover up your decision to skimp on the drywall in the building repair last year which ended up costing the company more in a lawsuit. Do not make me do this over the phone. I told you I would be in later and we would discuss it.”
“This is a family company. Abuelo put me in the company. He told you, he wants me involved.”
Once again Benny was trying to hide behind Abuelo. Every time he fucked-up he did it, which has been too many times.
“Benny, Abuelo wants family in the company but the last fucking thing we need is another fuck up like my dad and your dad all over again. The last three years you have been given more responsibilities, with each one you have cost the company. I am done, I talked to Abuelo last night. You are out, completely out. I’m calling security as soon as we hang up and they will walk you out. Abuelo ordered me to pay out three months as severance. It will be paid out tomorrow and that’s it.” Ending the call, I call security and tell them what needed to be done.
This was not how it was supposed to go. Damn Benny and his bullshit. Abuelo wasn’t going to like how this ended it but he had agreed with me it needed to be done.
The door to her bedroom opens, gorgeous. I can’t take my eyes off her, tracing over her face, down her curves. Her hair so lightly blonde it is almost white. Yesterday it had been curly and floated around her face. I liked it and thought it fit her. Now it’s straight and although I prefer the light curls, there is a glossy sheen to it that gives her the professional look expected from her position.
“Are you okay?” Her eyes darken with concern.
“Nothing for you to worry about.” Studying her, the clothes she is wearing are practically hanging off her. I should let it go, I can’t. “Carrie, how much weight have you lost?”
A blush touches her cheeks, she shrugs as she looks down. “It’s not a big deal, every woman’s dream actually. I’ll buy new clothes tomorrow. I promise.”
The words ring false, it was a big fucking deal. A single step brings me to her. I unbutton the blazer. Her eyes go wide as she gasps. I tug it open, the garment nearly swims around her. “Carrie, answer the damn question. You didn’t lose the weight on purpose, did you?”
She backs away, closing the blazer tightly around her. “A little over twenty-five pounds. I wasn’t trying but I should have been. I was fat. I’m still bigger than a woman should be. I’m hoping to continue losing weight only more controlled. Please drop it. I’ll buy new clothes soon. I promise. I won’t embarrass you.”
Anger shoots through me at the idea of her thinking poorly of her sexy as fuck body. I want to press my cock against her soft curves to prove to her how much I love her body. I want to order her not to lose another pound, she’s perfect as she is but now is not the fucking time. “How a woman should look is what feels good for her. Not every woman should be a size two. You are extremely attractive as you are. It was the stress wasn’t it?”
She nods, keeping her eyes down. Those little fuckers had to have seen how the stress was affecting her and they hadn’t done anything to alleviate it. Turning away before I do or say something I’ll regret, I walk out the front door. The twins are lucky I hadn’t known about this yesterday.
Lifelong manners instilled in me, have me opening her car door and seeing she is safely inside before closing it. Fists clenched tight I walk around to the driver’s seat. My cell rings as I start the car, it’s Javier. I slip in my earbud and connect the Bluetooth as I answer.
“Javier, I don’t want to hear it. I talked with Abuelo about it before I did it. He gave me the okay.” The Bluetooth is loud. I’m aware Carrie can hear the discussion.
“I’m not calling to complain, hermano, I’m calling to say thank god. What the hell took so long?”
“He’s family, you don’t fire family without just cause. Yeah, he’s had problems. Abuelo thought as long as I was there to clean up the mess and it wasn’t so bad it couldn’t be fixed then let Benny stay. This Celeste thing was one too many for me. I told Abuelo I don’t have time to be responsible for everything and run behind Benny to clean up after him.”
“Rafe, I told you three years ago, he was more trouble than he was worth. So what he graduated at the top of his class at Harvard? I knew the minute he pitched a fit at starting out at a work site because he thought it was beneath him that he wasn’t going to work out.”
“I remember. I don’t remember you telling Abuelo. Maybe if you had, you could have saved me a few gray hairs.”
“No way, hermano, the ladies like you with the gray hair, makes you look distinguished and shit. The conference call got pushed back to eleven, will you be able to make it?”
“No, I’ve got something else to handle.”
“Okay, let me know when you come in. I’ll head up to your office and we’ll talk about it. Rafe, if you need me to step up, let me know. I know you already spend eighteen hours in the office as it is. I don’t want firing Benny to turn into you never leaving the office.”
“Thanks, but don’t worry about it. Benny was the reason I spent so much time there. Without him, I might be able to cut back to twelve hours a day.”
Javier chuckles, “That’s a relief. I don’t want you working any harder than you already are.”
“It’s fine, really.” I don’t want Javier worrying about me. Or thinking he needed to move out of place as lead council for the company. Javier liked law and was good at it. I want him to stay where he is happy.
Disconnecting, I focus on the early morning traffic building into downtown Dallas. Turning into the parking lot I don’t say anything as I park in front of the exclusive boutique. Hearing Carrie’s intake of breath, I steel myself for the fight I know is coming. Out of the car, I go around to her door.
I open her car door. She doesn’t move, just stares straight ahead. Clenching my jaw, I go down to her level. “Carrie, look at me. It will just be a few things.”
“I don’t have the money to afford a place like this. I’m not letting you pay for me to get new clothes. It’s not happening.” Her voice is tight and small, clearly fighting back tears.
The sight of her upset causes my whole body to clench tight with need to touch her, reassure her. Damn it, I want her in my arms, not just to soothe her but myself. It’s been since yesterday, too fucking long. “Carrie, I am not going to give you a choice. The position comes with a clothing allowance of two thousand dollars per month. This is a loan against your first month, that’s all this is.”
Her eyes go wide in question. No, the position didn’t come with a clothing allowance, but it will by the time she signs her employment contract. The extra two thousand in her compensation is nothing to allow her to keep her pride. “Don’t push me, Carrie, you aren’t ready for what will happen if you do.”
She hears the underlying edge, I cannot hide. Her eyes glitter sapphire dark with confusion and hope. This time when I step back, she gets out of the car.
Opening the door, within seconds a saleswoman is in front of us. I nod at Carrie. “We need a few suits for her.”
Carrie stiffens, her back going straight. “Two suits, black and silver and two blouses, white and black please.”
Biting back the urge to smile, I shake my head. “Five suits the black and silver she mentioned as well as tan, blue, and chocolate. Six blouses to change out with the suits as well.”
The saleswoman smiles at me, she knew who is in charge and who would be paying. She wasn’t going to let it stop at two. “Of course, sir. We have several suits that will fit your request. Are you looking for skirt suits as well as a pant suit?”
“The skirt would need to go to her knees, nothing shorter than that.” No way is she wearing a short skirt. Even as I think it I wonder where the hell it came from. How a woman dressed had never bothered me before. Although I have a distaste of deep cleavage and extremely short skirts. Yet the idea of Carrie’s body on display in the slightest way has me wanting to put her in a caftan.
“This way, miss, let’s get you settled into a dressing room. I’ll bring the items through to you to try on.”
Checking the time, I’m running late. My schedule is set months in advance, with few deviations. Running late or any changes usually annoyed me. Today, I shrug it off as I call Lindsey to let her know as well as telling her to add the clothing allowance in Carrie’s employment contract. Carried needed new clothes, what she needed she would get. With me now more than two hours behind schedule I tell her to cancel every meeting on my calendar for the day. Yesterday, I was useless after spending a few hours with Carrie. Since she would be taking up half of my day today, I’m positive I won’t get a damn thing done. I end the call and turn to find Carrie in front of me.
In defiance of my instruction, she is wearing a black skirt so tight and short I’m wondering how she is able to walk in it. If she bent over it would be indecent. My body responds in kind, every inch of me hard and aching for her. Her round ass is a mouth-watering temptation. While she may be small those perfectly shaped legs will fit just right around my waist. As I’m working to control my body, I notice Carrie’s expression is one of boredom. She really doesn’t understand she’s playing with fire.
My eyes flick to the saleswoman, she takes the hint and disappears.
“Carrie, you heard me say the skirt would have to go the knee. Yet you chose to flaunt your body in an extremely short skirt.” Walking toward her slowly, I stop only inches away from her. Her head goes back to look up at me. Those eyes meet mine and go wide at what I allow her to see.
“You are an extremely sexy, beautiful woman. You could wear a nun’s habit and a man would dream of tearing it from you to find out what is beneath it.”