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Rafael Page 6
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Page 6
Her breath catches, her pupils dilate. To keep my hands off her, I walk around her, enjoying watching a shiver run through her. I stop behind her, unable to tear my eyes off her ass. Satisfaction rolls through me as those round globes clench, she can feel my eyes on them. Good. I lean forward and lower my head ever so slightly near the shell of her ear. Barely able to keep from catching the soft skin between my teeth.
“Wearing a skirt so short shows a man exactly what is available to him and entices him to touch the skin on show. Are you offering yourself up to my touch, mi dulce? Hmm, do you want my hands to stroke the lovely skin you are showing me? Will that be all I am allowed to touch, or will you allow me to go higher? If attention is what you are wanting, I will give you all my attention until you beg me to stop. Is that what you want?”
My cock jerks as she trembles and sways back against my chest. A slight brush, not nearly enough then she practically runs back to the dressing room.
Closing my eyes, I exhale slowly. She is a virgin. That was it then. If she is a virgin, she is off limits. End of story.
The buzzing of my phone tears my thoughts away from Carrie and for once I’m grateful for the demands of work. Only it isn’t work, the display warns it’s my mother. I swear, it’s as if she could hear my thoughts. My mother is constantly on me to find a wife, to the point of it being a point of every conversation we’ve had for the last year. Carrie is a beautiful woman inside and out and she deserves a ring for the gift she gave of herself.
The only problem is Carrie isn’t the kind of woman a Castillo would marry. She had no education, family connections or her own money. My grandmother had come from the second wealthiest family in Mexico City. My mother’s family was land rich and bluest of blood. While my aunt’s family didn’t have money, it was due to falling on hard times. They were an old family with connections from Boston. My uncle met her at Harvard and after marrying my uncle and giving him one child, Benito, she had gone back into her law firm and not taken her eyes off the brass ring of partner until she obtained it.
Benito had gone against family expectation marrying a sweet and beautiful woman without money or connections and the marriage had failed in less than three years. Benito admitted he hadn’t thought it was that big of a deal. Except it had been, without the same knowledge of expectation the woman hadn’t been able to carry herself easily in the social circles of the events necessary to make the business connections that kept our company going. Her dress sense had been off the mark again and again. She found it difficult to even understand what she did wrong. Dallas society was as cut-throat and vicious as a jail yard, slights had flown along with bitter gossip. She had been embarrassed, Benito had been embarrassed and then both had gone to anger.
The idea of putting Carrie through such an experience seemed as cruel as the knowledge I can’t have her.
Hearing her heels, I turn to see her in wide leg trousers in black with a simple white shell beneath the matching blazer. I stay where I am and nod my approval. Those blue are glittering with expectation and hope.
Fuck. It didn’t matter that I can’t have her, I’ve made my desire clear enough she believed something could come of it.
I fucked up badly. Because nothing can happen. Nothing will happen.
Walking back into the dressing room, I nod to Gloria, that what I was wearing had been approved. Gloria almost sags with relief. Guilt fills me at the stupid move of wearing the short, tight skirt against Gloria’s advice. I think she had been worried Rafael would end the shopping trip altogether. The thought hadn’t even crossed my mind, the need to hit back at his demanding, bossy orders were all I cared about. It had been so fucking embarrassing he thought what I was wearing was awful enough he felt the need to buy me clothes.
A sigh leaves me, no, it’s an advance against the clothing allowance. I’ve heard of some positions offering a clothing allowance but thought those were for the kind of jobs I could never have. Then again it makes sense, especially if there was no uniform. I would be expected to dress as well as the people living in the building where the condos probably started in the five hundred range and went up from there.
Now, standing in front of the mirror, changing out the basic shell with a pretty pink silk blouse I’m glad I got out of the car. Not just because I’m wearing clothes that finally fit. But because it’s finally clear, Rafael wanted me. I can barely believe it. Wouldn’t have dared until I saw it clearly, felt it down to my melting bones when those gorgeous eyes met mine. The first time he called me mi dulce, I fought not to grin like an idiot. I have no idea what the term of endearment means, it was enough that Rafael had called me anything but my name. For a moment, I had wondered, dared to hope—then he looked at me like he wanted to eat me up in one bite.
Rafael thought I was sexy. Me, chubby, short, boring Carrie Whitney. I can’t wipe the stupid grin off my face. Wow. Honestly, it’s a little scary. Rafael is intense and well and truly out of my league. It might have something to do with his age, but a huge part of it is his wealth and the arrogance that went with it.
It isn’t that I’m scared of Rafael’s intensity, there seemed to be a strictly moral center that ran through him. What I’m afraid of is Rafael overwhelming me and I’ll willingly give up to him completely. He is the most stunning man I’ve ever encountered. It’s not just his looks, there is an aura of power to him anyone could see and feel the moment they got within fifty feet of him. Man or woman would bend to him and he would accept nothing less, would demand nothing less. After my mother’s macho boyfriend the idea of encountering and wanting someone like that, previously would have made me shudder with revulsion.
Yet, with Rafael I’m shivering with need and desire for him. I want to give up to him. I want to give him everything he wants, certain that I’ll get it all back and more. Once, years ago, the idea of getting close to a man, of letting him in and giving him power in any way at all would have sent me running. Now after years of living life I understand caring about someone would always give the person power over you.
The question is whether the person was good and would use their power of you for good or would they abuse their power and you with it? I don’t think it’s wishful thinking that Rafael will be more than good. He isn’t the asshole I first thought he was. In so many ways yesterday and today he could have used his wealth against me and the twins, yet he was willing to give us a chance we barely deserved. Even though he didn’t have to, he didn’t owe us anything. However, he didn’t turn away from me when he realized he’d broken a dam yesterday.
Rafael had held me and let me cry, not flinching from dealing with what he felt he caused. His touch had been gentle in his office and again when he’d held me and forced the drink on me last night to help with the migraine. He hadn’t left until he was sure I was feeling better. If ever there was a man that I think I could trust, it’s Rafael.
My one concern was what it meant for me to work for him and be involved with him at the same time. Would other people question if I deserved this position once it was found out we were in a relationship? If Rafael wanted me, I can’t imagine him not acting on that want. And I want him badly. I’m just not sure what it all means. Gloria hands me another suit, and I shrug to myself. I’ll follow Rafael’s lead. I trust him to know how best to proceed.
A half hour later we are at the register, it stings when he hands over his credit card. I’m wearing the wide leg trousers and a black blazer out of the store. My old suit is in one of the bags. I wince at the cost of the clothing then reassure myself it will be coming out of my check not out of his account.
Once we get to the building, he takes me into human resources and leaves me with a nice woman who has me filling out forms for what feels like hours. Once I’m done, I’m escorted up a few floors and left with another woman, named Julie, who talked me through the reports and software I would be using. I’m relieved to see the software is the same I used with my last company.
Rafael comes down about an hour into training, speaks with Julie for about ten minutes then is gone again with a word to me. By lunch time I’m starving and trying to hide it. Julie doesn’t appear to want to stop anytime soon. I’m saved from my stomach growling outloud by a smiling man. He introduces himself as Javier, Rafael’s brother. It’s clear though without an introduction. He had Rafael’s complexion, nose and jaw only his lips were slightly thinner. There are also less lines in his forehead and a lot of laugh lines that Rafael didn’t have. His invitation for lunch is nonchalant and I’m saying yes without thought.
He might look like Rafael but he’s very different. Javier keeps a running light commentary as we walk a few blocks away to a cozy Italian restaurant. His chatter is light and sprinkled with laughter. I’m instantly comfortable enough to return his smiles and laughter.
Once the waiter has taken our orders and leaves Javier turns his attention back to me. “I’m going to be completely honest. I had to meet the woman who had Rafe coming into work late and doing crazy things like cancelling meetings two days in a row. Do you own a magic wand?”
I shrug. “No, no magic wand. Something almost as good or bad, I cried all over your brother. It was very embarrassing for the both of us. He blames himself but really it could have been anyone on the street who sent me over the edge.”
His face falls a little and I feel bad at taking away his smile. “Ah, tears, it tells me a lot. Like most men my brother is quite undone by them. Then again when they are in the eyes of a woman as beautiful as you are, I’m thinking they would be pretty lethal stuff. Tell me everything about yourself Carrie Whitney, don’t leave out any gory details. I want them all.”
He says the words in a joking manner but over the next half hour he’s very serious. Javier gets my life story out of me. I hadn’t wanted to tell him about the twins but anyone with an internet connection could find out the story. At the sentencing, I had pled for the man who murdered my mother not to get the death penalty, for the twin’s sake. The plea had ended up in the newspaper along with my picture and the whole story of my mother’s death. The newspaper also found out and made much of the fact I hadn’t been living with my mother since I was fourteen.
“Well, I can see why Rafe was on his knees to make amends.” He takes a sip of his wine.
“Do you think him giving me the job was a way of doing that?”
Cocking his head, he studies me. “Not for one moment, do I believe Rafe would give you something without first knowing you deserved and could handle it. While, yes, you seem to be behind him cancelling meetings and leaving the office before the sun went down, Rafe putting you in charge of his building isn’t going to happen unless he truly believed you were right for the job.”
“His building?”
“Well, his in the sense he conceived, worked with the architect and oversaw the building of it down to watching the tile being laid. He owns the penthouse apartment at the top of the building.”
“He lives there?” My tummy twists in greedy anticipation at the idea of seeing him every day.
“He didn’t mention that?”
I shake my head.
A sigh. “I guess it’s not really surprising, he’s not there very often. The man works so many hours I often wonder if he ever actually sleeps. Rafe is often out of town. He’s only been in Dallas for the last week. Most of the last month he was in Phoenix. Rafe prefers to check in on our offices and worksites in person. He was in California for six weeks before his time in Phoenix. He was only supposed to be there for a week or so but there were issues with one of our construction sites. Me and Matteo have a bet he’ll be completely gray by the time he’s forty. I’m pretty sure I’m going to win.”
“He isn’t a machine, and it sounds like it’s surprising he isn’t completely gray already.” I hate the way Javier thinks it’s funny how hard and long Rafael works.
Javier’s eyes go wide and a knowing smug smile has me blushing. “Ah que linda, don’t despair for my brother. Rafe is a big boy, he takes care of himself, more or less. Last Christmas he took two whole days off, didn’t look at his phone once to check his email. The whole company was shut down but it’s never stopped him before.”
“What did you say? Speaking Spanish when I don’t understand is rude.” I frown at him. I’ve heard the words before but have no idea what they meant.
He laughs. “I was saying you’re cute, for being worried about Rafe. Why don’t you get Rafe to teach you Spanish?”
The question has me asking what I’ve been dying to know. “What does mi dulce mean?”
His eyebrows go up as he smiles slyly. “Rafe’s already speaking Spanish to you? Interesting, it means my sweet.” His smile disappears. “Carrie, you seem like a nice person and I trust Rafe’s instincts. Still, I care about my brother and I know it seems silly to say but please don’t play with him. Only continue on if you’re certain he’s what you want. Rafe seems like he couldn’t be hurt if he was hit by Mack truck but he can be. He’s very traditional, our grandfather was and still is a huge influence on him. Rafe sees the world in terms most people don’t these days, honor and doing the right thing come first, often before his own needs.”
Without thinking, I reach out to pat his hand. It’s clear he cares about his brother. “I understand, I do. Who Rafael is, is extremely clear from the moment you meet him. He doesn’t hide or apologize for who he is and it’s one of the most appealing things about him.”
This time his smile is filled with relief. He takes my hand squeezing it in return. My skin burns. I look up to see Rafael coming toward us. His face is hard, unreadable, his eyes on my hand in Javier’s. Instinctively, I pull away. Javier looks up in surprise at me until he turns to see Rafael coming toward us.
“Rafe, hey, I told you that I’d bring her back.”
“You’ve been gone an hour and a half.” Rafael’s voice is harsh. “Are you done?” His tone dares me to say no.
I nod.
“Let’s go.” Without another word to either of us, he turns and walks out of the restaurant.
Nearly running to keep up with him, I don’t dare complain. I want to explain only don’t dare. What was I supposed to say, I was trying to reassure your brother how much I care about you and think I’m in love with you and would never do anything to hurt you.
He would think I was nuts. I’d be lucky to keep the job let alone ever see him again. Then the words hit me, I love him? I almost stumble. No, no freaking way, not possible.
It hadn’t even been twenty-four hours since I met him. I don’t believe in any of the love at first sight crap; it was lust pure and simple. Then I remember how he’d held me. How gentle he’d been wiping my tears and taking care of me and confusion floods me all over again. I’m so lost in confusion I walk right into him when he stops.
The electric shock of his hand wrapping around my arm yanks all of my attention back to him. As soon as I find my footing he lets me go. “Get in the car, Carrie.”
Blindly, I do as I’m told. Sliding inside the open door he holds. I push the thought away. I can’t think about it right now with him so close. Later, much later.
The drive is relatively short before he pulls into a parking garage attached to a high-rise building. He swipes a card and we enter into a massive foyer straight out of a cutting-edge five-star hotel. There is a security room to the right of the entrance from the garage that holds a wall of closed circuit monitors showing a constant view of various areas of the building. A man in a security uniform welcomes us into the building, his belt is as full as those I’ve seen on a cop, including a gun. There is a desk spanning one side of the large lobby, just like a check-in desk of a hotel. The woman behind it greets us with a timid smile.
“Margaret, this is Carrie who will be taking over Celeste’s position. I’m going to take her on a tour of the building.”
Rafael keeps moving, barely nodding at the woman. He starts a running commentary without ever looking at me.
“This is the ground floor, entry is from the garage we went through, through those front doors and the pool area. Through that door is a full-size gym, including a lap pool, there are six showers and a steam room at the back. This is the mail area, larger packages are signed for and kept at the desk unless the occupant requests otherwise. That door at the end of the hall is a theatre room. It seats twenty-five and has to be reserved for use. As we come to the end of the ground floor on the resident side this is the pool and Jacuzzi all owners can use. in.”
Holy crap this is on an entirely different level. This is better than a five-star hotel.
“To get into the elevators and get it to go up, you have to scan your card or the person at the front desk will press a button to release it. Once the elevator has left the ground floor it can be used to go up or down without needing to scan anything. This side of the first floor is off limits to the occupants.”
He scans a card, I hear the door unlock. “Here is your three bedroom. The head of security has a three bedroom as well, the head of maintenance also has a condo, his is a two bedroom on the first floor up he purchased at a rate we agreed on when he came to work here. The head of maintenance is always on call but there should be another maintenance man available until the front desk shuts down at nine in the evening.”
The condo is well over twelve hundred square feet, the living room is filled with a beautiful dark brown leather full length couch, love seat, and overstuffed chair with a large ottoman.
“This condo was originally the showroom for buyers and the furniture comes with it, unless you want it removed. There’s also kitchen stuff as well you can keep or get rid of.”
“Um, this is much nicer than what we have. It will make an easier move too.” I try not squeal with happiness.
The largest bedroom has a massive bathroom with a separate soaking tub and huge shower attached to it. There is a king-sized bed with two matching bedside tables and a low chest of drawers. All of the furniture looks far more expensive than I could ever afford. I tell him I’ll keep the bedroom furniture too. Both secondary bedrooms have their own bathroom attached too.